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logo design - Neon Corporation

neon corporation is an chemical trading firm based in India, logo inspiration was nuclear atoms.

Branding-Stationery neon corp.jpg

Packaging  - Tropolite 

packege design tropolite_all time pack.jpg
packege design tropolite_01 pack.jpg

branding design - Clear Soup Clothing

Clear soup is a t-shirt brand that offers quirky message tees and artistic graphic tee, majorly sales online on sites like amazon.

clear soup identity copy.jpg
clear soup identity copy-2.jpg

Logo & packaging - Bakefitz Cookies

Bakefitz ready to eat cookie

bakefitz cookies.jpg
bakefitz cookies -2.jpg
welcome to instaoven_01.jpg
bakeware banner.tif
instaoven bulk orders.jpg
covid banner for site.jpg
whip cream_02-2- banner 1250x350-02.jpg
bakefits 1150x395.jpg
anybody can bake1150x395 copy.png
chocolate_02-1 1250x350 copy.png

branding design - Slingshot lifestyle

Slingshot is indie clothing brand based in India.

slingshot identity copy.jpg
slingshot identity -2.jpg
slingshot identity copy2 .jpg
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